japanese english
feat. audio-cosmos by Claudio PRC

2015年9月16日(日)– 11月1日(日)

オープニングレセプション: 2015年9月15日(火) 16:00~
16:30 – 18:30: “From Nebular Stars to the Mosses on The Granite Rocks” Claudio PRCによるミュジックパフォーマンス | The Main Tropical Greenhouse, 植物園、ベルリン
19:00-22:00: レセプション、Claudio PRCによるDj set | The Gallery, 植物館、ベルリン
作家詳細: 村山誠 | Claudio PRC
Macoto Murayama, Cosmos sulphureus Cav. - top view - b, digital c-print, 1o0x100cm, 2010

 1. 宇宙的な動き:渦動

Macoto Murayama. Transvaal daisy-ⅱ-bc, digital c-print, 56x45.7cm, 2010
 2. 有機的な形の数学と幾何学
Macoto Murayama and Echoton, "Sunflower", single channel video, 8'07'', 2014
 3. ビオ―クラスタ:花序

Macoto Murayama, Narcissus tazetta L. var. chinensis M.Roem - front view - ow, digital c-print, 150x100cm, 2013
Exhibition Details:
Exhibition title: KOSMOS Macoto Murayama Solo Show
Participating Artist: Macoto Murayama
Organized by: Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Frantic Gallery
Curated by: ENTOMORODIA curatorial net/work
Date: 2015 September 16 (WED) – November 1 (SUN)
Opening reception: 2015 September 15 (TUE) 16:00~
“From The Nebular Stars to The Mosses on The Granite Rocks” music performance by Claudio PRC: 2015 September 15 (TUE) 16:30~
Venue: The Gallery, Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin
Address: Königin-Luise-Straße 6-8 14195 Berlin
Opening hours: 10:00-18:00 daily including Monday
URL: frantic.jp, http://www.bgbm.org/
Enquiries: Rodion Trofimchenko (Frantic Gallery)
Frantic Gallery
Ikejiri Institute of Design 309,
2-4-5 Ikejiri, Setagaya,
Tokyo, Japan 154-0001

Copyright © 2015 Frantic Gallery, All rights reserved.